About Me

I am a highly motivated and passionate person looking to pursue those things that inspire me the most with the hopes of bettering the lives of those around me. I am building a career in marketing analytics while simultaneously following my passion in the fitness and nutrition industry.

I have always been active in sports and cross-training and began CrossFitting back in late 2011. I was instantly hooked by both the challenge and sense of triumph that came from every workout and after just a few months, it was clear that this new training regimen tested my physical and mental capabilities on an entirely different level. The variety of gymnastics movements and the complexity of Olympic lifts were daunting at times, but the gains, results and measurable progress were what kept me engaged and hungry for more.

Flash forward four years, I have experienced all of the highs and lows that come with being a competitive crossFit athlete; hours and hours of training and dedication to improve lifts, increase strength and work capacity, develop gymnastics and higher level skill movements, the blood, the sweat, the tears. All of that has made me a better person, friend, coach and mentor with which I hope to be able to share my experiences and learnings with others to help them in their pursuit of wellness and fitness.

Along with the dedication to training, I have a distinct interest in nutrition and it is a topic that I am incredibly passionate about. I love to grocery shop, try new products, read food labels, try new foods, build new recipes, cook, bake – all of it. Based on my own personal experience, I feel that what/how we eat has a big impact on our overall lifestyle and is an incredibly influential component of the training regimen that results in substantial performance gains when done properly. However, I strongly believe that the method of fueling for performance is not the same for every individual and different systems run more efficiently on different types of fuel.

I have tried everything from ‘clean eating’ to ‘zone’ to ‘paleo’ to ‘paleo zone’ and to straight up eating whatever I wanted. I started with flexible dieting about 7 months ago as means of trying to manage my nutrition in a sustainable manner that would allow me to live my life and enjoy the foods I wanted while still improving my performance, building strength and maintaining body composition.  The biggest things I noticed right away were improvements in my energy both in WODs and daily life, strength and muscle endurance during lifting sessions, improved recovery, balanced blood sugar levels and sustained leanness in my appearance.

Based on this incredibly positive experience, I decided to educate myself more on the logistics and implementation of flexible dieting so that I could begin sharing it with others and helping them to see experience the positive results I was seeing with the new routine. My own experience and success with the method is the reason why this is something I am incredibly passionate about and love to do.

One of my own personal goals is to always test both my mental and physical abilities to see just how much better I can be than yesterday. At the same time, I am both honored and confident that I can deliver this same sense of purpose to the athletes that I coach.





1 comment:

  1. Great Coach and an even better person... I highly recommend her services!
